Friday, February 1, 2013

Fun Fact Friday: Life cycle of a shower curtain part 2

Happppppy Friday!!
Now that we have our colors in place, we can now move on to pattern.   

Makers of home textiles get their patterns in several ways.
Some have in-house artist and designers, others purchase original art from art dealers, and yet others use patterns from luxury and high end textile companies and “convert” them.  I am lucky to have access to all of these.  I mostly use the luxury textiles as I feel that are best suited for the home.  I'll talk more about this next week.
ditsy style wallpaper

What do I look for first?   
Scale is my first lead. Bathrooms are normally small spaces and smaller “ditsy” prints can look busy and disturbing to the eye.

I like larger scale patterns to make the space look larger.  This is the pattern Morgan (in my bathroom right now in fact).  The colors are restful and very “bathroom friendly” and the scale is easy on the eye.

This is the pattern Flora in radiant lipstick.  Even this bold play on color can work in a small space because of its scale.


  1. I like your large scale patterns. They really open up the room.

  2. Thanks for your support of and taking the time to comment!
    Yes, exactly!!!
