Wednesday, January 9, 2013

clever storage idea

Up at the cabin, we are outside a LOT!
...and with that, a lot of the outdoors wants to get back in to the house where it doesn't belong.  
BHG on-line 1-9-2013

I saw this clever storage idea.  The original concept was for sports equipment...but I'm thinking season clothing.

OK, I like that laundry baskets are affordable (okay, cheap if you get them at a discount store).  

It has air flow, which is a must for snowy wet hats and mitten after a day on the slopes as well as wet swim trunks from a day at the pond.  

I also really like that you can personalize them.  This is especially nice when you have kids so close in age as it can sometimes be difficult to tell their clothes apart. 

To make the baskets a little more Benjamin & Noah proof (or as close as I can), I'm going to laminate the name card and attach them with binder clips.  

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